Examples of previous work
This is what some clients have said about our support (names have been changed)

Rebecca lives near York - “My husband’s job has taken us across the world so we’ve accumulated a lot of stuff which is stored in the eaves of our house. The kids are grown now and I wanted to share some of our possessions with them and get rid of things that nobody wanted. Cheryl came over and on the Saturday we spent about 3 hours going through boxes and sorting into piles, one for each of the kids, one for donation and one for recycling/disposal. It was easy sharing things between the kids but deciding to give some stuff away was quite daunting. Cheryl asked me to think about whether we used it? If yes, then keep. If no, did I love it? If yes, then keep. If no, might somebody else love it or use it? If yes, donate. If no, could it be repurposed? By this point I usually realised I didn’t really want to keep whatever it was and it was donated. We had a good time, going through the boxes and it brought back a lot of happy memories for me. She’s coming back soon to do another session.”

Jenny from Lincoln said “Using Total Order Pro to prepare my Step-Mum’s bungalow for sale was really helpful. I live some distance from Darlington so it was good having somebody local that I could trust. I met Cheryl at the house and I removed the things I wanted, I then left the keys and Cheryl took about three days to completely empty the property. Most of the items were donated to charity including the King's Centre, British Heart Foundation and the bedding went to Dog’s Trust and Retired Greyhound Trust. The house sold within 3 weeks of going to market. It would have taken me at least that to just dispose of everything.”

“I work away a lot and my garden is always needing to be done when I get home and I just run out of time at the weekend. Cheryl helped me to clear an overgrown area so that I could make space for a pond and seating area, this is good for nature and it doesn’t need so much looking after, just weeding now and again. A tree had blown down so that had to be cut up and I will use that for firewood in the winter. We hired a skip and completely filled it - Cheryl had to climb in and jump up and down to make sure we could get more overgrown bushes in. It was a full day of hard work in the rain but the space looks fantastic now.” Bryan from Caldwell

“When my husband died I couldn’t face disposing of his things. Cheryl helped me to sort things out. We gave a lot to the local charity shops, like St T’s and Dog’s Trust. She took it all away, I didn’t have to carry anything. I’ve kept some things like his walking stick and his big tea mug and we gave his slippers, watch and wallet to my son. The garden tools were given to somebody who had an allotment and they gave me some vegetables to say thank you, that was nice!” Doris from Darlington

"Cheryl has helped enormously, allowed me to declutter at my owne pace without rushing me into decisions I wasn’t ready to make. She offered not just physical support but mental support and motivated me when needed. When I’ve felt overwhelmed she has offered me encouragement and demonstrated that even a little at a time can make a difference. She provides everything, motivation, encouragement, organisation, and physical and emotional support. The room we worked on had been transformed from something unusable, to an open space with many possibilities".
Lesley from Barnard Castle

"I just wanted to say thank you to you all who came to help me. I know you say it’s me who’s done all the work but it’s a great deal down to you that I got off my backside really. I feel so much better now than I did from the beginning. I felt as if I was in a great big hole and it was impossible for me to get out but a couple of months later at least now it's much more manageable for me when I go through stuff at a later date. I’m so grateful Cheryl, I really am and I hope I was OK to be around and work with. XX”
Lucy from Teesdale